Pranayama Yoga

Pranayama is the formal practice of controlling the breath, which is the source of our prana, or vital life force. Pranayama is of various types including Kumbhak Pranayama (Breath Retention), Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (Channel Cleaning Breath), Ujjayi Pranayama (Conqueror Breath), Mrigi Mudra (Deer Seal Breath), Surya / Chandra Bhedana Pranayama (Single Nostril Breath), Kapalbhati Pranayama (Skull Shining Breath), Svara Yoga Pranayama (Yoga of sound breath), Bhastrika, Shitali, Shitkari, etc.

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Pranayama Yoga Library
Pranayama Yoga


Pranayama Yoga


Pranayama Yoga


Pranayama Yoga


Pranayama Yoga


Pranayama Yoga


Pranayama Yoga Organizations
Yoga Mantra Image
Yoga Mantra
Shri Ambika Yogashram Image
Shri Ambika Yogashram
Arihant Reiki Vedic Healing And Yog Image
Arihant Reiki Vedic Healing And Yog
Shriyog Institute of Iyengar Yoga Image
Shriyog Institute of Iyengar Yoga
Meditative International Yoga Image
Meditative International Yoga
Kare Ayurveda and Yoga Retreat Center Image
Kare Ayurveda and Yoga Retreat Center

Pranayama Yoga Spiritual Guides / Teachers

Rajashree Tupe Image

Rajashree Tupe

Rajeshree Tupe has been a student of Guruji BKS Iyengar, Dr Geeta Iyengar and Prashant Iyengar for over 2 decades and brings a unique b..

Dinesh Talekar Image

Dinesh Talekar

His mission is to raise the human consciousness at it's higher with science, art & spirituality. He is a passionate Yoga Meditation Tea..

Yujin Han  Image

Yujin Han

Ms. Yujin is the Director, Head Administration and Co-ordination, Research & Development in AIMYOGA, India.Chemical engineer with a de..

Deepak Gupta Image

Deepak Gupta

Mr. Deepak is the Director, Lead Research in Scriptural Studies at AIMYOGA, India. Educated in several professional educations like eng..

Wisdom Wall
