Loving Kindness - Metta Meditation

Metta meditation or the loving kindness technique helps direct our compassion and loving-kindness initially towards ourselves, then towards somebody, we love and also to someone we are neutral towards and at the end towards them whom we dislike or have issues with. The practice involves concentration with a silent recitation of words like " may you be happy". The technique helps develop compassion, love, kindness, and empathy towards all around us and towards all beings on this planet. The practice has its roots deep into the Theravada Buddhist philosophies and can significantly boost the practitioner's mental well-being and while reducing stress and anxiety.

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Loving Kindness - Metta Meditation Library
Sayadaw U Pandita


Love is everywhere






Love your neighbor as you love yourself


Sharon Salzberg


Loving Kindness - Metta Meditation Organizations
Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health Image
Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
Insight Meditation Society Image
Insight Meditation Society
Common Ground Meditation Center Image
Common Ground Meditation Center
The House of Dhamma Image
The House of Dhamma
Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center Image
Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center
The Metta Meditation Retreat Center Image
The Metta Meditation Retreat Center

Loving Kindness - Metta Meditation Spiritual Guides / Teachers

Sharon Salzberg Image

Sharon Salzberg

Sharon Salzberg is a meditation pioneer and industry leader, a world-renowned teacher, and New York Times bestselling author. As one of..

Valarie Kaur Image

Valarie Kaur

Valarie Kaur is a seasoned civil rights activist, award-winning filmmaker, lawyer, faith leader, and founder of The Revolutionary Love ..

Mark  Nunberg Image

Mark Nunberg

Mark began his practice in 1982 and has been teaching meditation since 1990. He co-founded Common Ground Meditation Center in Minneapol..

Shelly Graf  Image

Shelly Graf

Shelly has been practicing at Common Ground since 2003. They are currently being trained by Insight Meditation Society as part of the f..

Wisdom Wall
